4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss Kindle Ed.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Texting: An Insidious Threat To Society

Imagine walking with your gaze directly forward while walking through a crowded breezeway. Nearly everyone else you see has their eyes cast down focusing squarely on their hand-held device. Their somber faces are lit by an bluish light giving them an unnatural glow. Their fingers move quickly and deftly from built in routine. Their legs--they are barely aware of them as they cycle forward--carry them onto their next destination. It's a wonder how they can avoid crashing into each other with out looking up.

"Who walks without texting nowadays?"

A legitimate question, but a disturbing one. Indeed, who does?

Has it become acceptable to completely shut out your immediate surroundings? I feel like the words PAY ATTENTION should somehow be inserted into our daily consciousness.

Does it take the sensational to make us snap out of our absorption with distractions such as Facebook and text messaging? Studies on the Reticular Activating System show that there is a link between ADHD and the constant distractions that texting provides.

Your real friends are the ones you spend more time with in person than online or in a chat session.

Lets face it: Texting is a crutch for real interaction:

Particularly disturbing from this clip:
"Oh I don't have to, like, carry on a conversation, or, oh, I don't have to like, think of things to say..."

Looks like Aldous Huxley was right.

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